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发布日期:2022-05-19 作者: 来源:新京葡萄威尼斯 点击:







1、刘海莲等. 链间KSEA超交换相互作用对spin-Peierls双链系统基态行为的影响.山西大同大学学报,2010,26(121):29-31.

2、通讯作者. Spontaneous Emission Spectrum  of a Λ-Typed Atom in a Coherent  Photonic  Reservoir . Chinese Physics Letters,2011, 28( 12): 124203.

3、通讯作者.The control of spontaneous emission from a three level atom in an anisotropic photonic crystal with two asymmetric bands. J. Mod. Opt.2013,60( 2): 128-135.

4、通讯作者.The coherent control of the spontaneous emission spectrum of a driven atom in photonic crystals with two atomic position-dependent bands. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B,2012, 29(6):   1413-1417.

5、刘海等.Influence of Dzyaloshinskii-MoriyaandKaplan-Shekhtman-Entinwohlman-Aharony(KSEA) superexchange interactions on  ground state properties of the one-dimensional spin-Peilers model in open chain. Chinese  Physics  B,2010, 19( 11): 117502-

6、刘海莲等. The symmetric and antisymmetric superexchange interactions in spin-Peierls system.     Chinese  Physics,2007, 16(12): 3858-3862.

7、刘海莲等.工科院校基础物理教学中科学思想与科学方法培养的价值与意义. 忻州师范学院学报,2010, 26(95): 121-122.

8、刘海莲等.具有对称和反对称超交换相互作用的一维Spin-Peierls系统的基态行为.物理学报,2005, 54(5): 2329-2333.

9、刘海莲等.链间超交换相互作用下spin-Peierls梯子模型的基态行为.物理学报,2006,    55(7): 3688-3691.